Potassium Carbonate

Potassium Carbonate Powder GACL 


COA - Potassium Carbonate Powder GACL

Potassium Carbonate 99.90% pure as K2CO3 is being manufactured by GACL, SRAACL, UNID Korea, AGC Thailand and Pikalevskaya Soda Russia. We can offer ready stocks of all grades and makes of Potassium Carbonate Powder and Granules whichs finds its useage in PHARMA, FERTILISERS, COSMETICS, PAINTS AND GLASS INDUSTRIES.


Characteristic  Specifications
Total Alkalinity (As K2CO3) On Dry Basis % 99.80
Free Alkali As KOH  00.10
Bi Carbonate (As KHCO3)  Ppm  00.30
Chloride (As KCl) Ppm 100.00
Iron (As Fe+++)  Ppm 9.00
Caution : Decomposes When Heated, Emitting Toxic Fumes